Everyone loves something for free, so visit this website called
Free Printables.com and you will find thousands of FREE printables including calendars,
cards, activities, worksheets, games, coloring pages, crafts, and more!
Here is a little bit about
Free Printable.com from their website:
"My name is Erik and my wife and I have 4 wonderful kids who are amazing artists! They are ALWAYS drawing! For years we have been keeping printable items for our kids to work on whenever they want to color on fun pages. My wife is also a teacher and is in constant need of printable lessons, crafts, and activities. And me? I am always trying to find a calendar, planner, or other worksheet (not to mention the games!). So I said to myself - why not build a website where I can find all this stuff more easily? And here you have it -
FreePrintable.com! :)
I hope you enjoy FreePrintable.com as much as I do!
- Erik"
So if you are not in the mood to do some stamping, stop on over to
FreePrintable.com for some great ideas.